Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Preparation for Childbirth Class

So Brian and I started our Childbirth class last monday and it lasts 6 weeks. There are 3 other couples in our class and I am the furthest along out of all of them. Everyone in there is having a girl except one couple. Our teacher seems to be very experienced so that's good- she is an RN and worked in Labor and Delivery and has 3 kids of her own. It's so interesting to hear all the different things that we are supposed to expect. She taught us how to do relaxation exercises the first night and we talked about postitive things that we experience during pregnancy. I talked about how incredible it is to be able to feel Chappell kick and the bonding experience that we have had and also how Brian gets to feel her at night when she is the most active. We watched a video that taught us how to measure contractions and when to go to the hospital when in labor. Then on the second visit...

We watched a video that showed it ALL!!!! It really scared me and I think every person in the room. It was a video of the actual birth and going through the contractions and different options that you have once you are there. It was just strange watching it from that aspect but I think that when it's our time to go through that and bring Chappell into the world that it will be wonderful and such a special experience. I am so thrilled for that day to come...but im still scared of the pain. But one thing that our teacher said that makes a lot of sense and gives me a piece of mind is that the pain was put into childbirth for a reason. It is to let you and your body know that it is time for the baby to come and it is all natural. So I am just going to relax these last few months and just let nature take its course. I just pray for a healthy baby girl and a healthy delivery.


reddchurch said...

girl, you will do great!! and when you hold that baby girl, you will not even remember an ounce of pain!

Sari said...

LOL, Ashely, are they serious? Here's the thing - you'll be on the other end so you don't need to look at all that. Don't feel bad that you got stressed though. My sister freaked out in her class too.