Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Growing Chappell Apple

Our little Chappell Apple is growing up so much every day! She is 16 weeks old today. It is truly amazing how big she has gotten and how aware she is now of her surroundings. She no longer likes to be held like a baby. She sits in her Bumbo chair now. She prefers facing out so that she can see everything going on and she is definitely fascinated by tv (she takes after her momma);) She sleeps through the night and is such a happy baby! Every morning mommy and daddy go to tell her good morning and she greets us with a HUGE will just make your heart melt and definitley makes my day or week for that matter! Being her mommy is the most wonderful blessing I could ever receive. I thank God every day for is the best feeling in the world. I am perfectly content. Here are some recent pics of our little angel...enjoy!

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